Developmental interventions, or “health services,” are provided to families who have a child or children that have a developmental delay. Medical treatment is recommended according to individual need and should not differ from common approaches to providing medical care. To get special therapy related services, the state will use an Individualized Education Program (IEP). These services will mainly occur in school but can also take place in the home or community.

“Who is rich? He/she who rejoices in his/her portion.”

Pirkei Avot - Ethics of the Fathers

Possible Services

There are generally three types of therapies provided to children who qualify through the school system:  occupational therapy, physical therapy and speech therapy.

  • Occupational Therapy – Services to assist children with learning skills needed for play and daily living; designing and providing assistive devices.

  • Physical Therapy – Services to identify and help prevent or reduce movement difficulties.

  • Speech/Language Pathology – Identification, referral and provision of services to assist children with understanding and responding to communication.

Source: New Jersey Early Intervention System

Finding the right doctor, dentist or home care services can be challenging for a child with a disability. The Department of Mental Health and Hygiene recently launched a resource database for children and youth with special health care needs to help parents find the resources that they need. This online database contains over 800 resources for Maryland families, is user friendly and 508 compliant for those with visual impairments.

Refer to the Quick Links to see the full website

Quick Links
What is Occupational Therapy?
What is Physical Therapy?