Families with a child with a disability often need specific information, including: details about the disability, school services, therapy, local policies, funding sources, transportation, medical facilities and much more. As parents, you know your children best, so look for a professional team that will truly listen to your interests and concerns. By developing a non-judgmental and nurturing team, you will receive the support to succeed under very difficult circumstances.

“She is a tree of life for those who hold fast to her, and happy are those who support her.”

Pirkei Avot - Ethics of the Fathers 3:18

New Jersey Resources

Family Support Organizations (FSO’s) are family-run, county-based organizations that provide direct family-to-family peer support, education, advocacy and other services to family members of children with emotional and behavioral problems. To access services, you may call these organizations directly or call 1-877- 652-7624.  There is a Camden, Burlington, and Gloucester County local office that can be accessed.  

Jewish Family & Children’s Services works with individuals with special needs and offers a wide range of services including counseling, case management, respite care (through DDD funding), etc.  They offer Sibshops, which are programs for siblings of individuals with special needs, as well.  Although this is run through the Jewish Federation, individuals do not have to be Jewish to access these resources.  The contact phone number is 856-424-1333 or email is  

The Statewide Parent Advocacy Network (SPAN) is an independent 501(c)3 organization committed to empowering families as advocates and partners in improving education, health, and mental health outcomes for infants, toddlers, children and youth.  SPAN is a “first stop” for New Jersey families.  SPAN is New Jersey’s  Parent Training and Information Center; Family to Family Health Information Center; Family Voices State Affiliate Organization; Parent to Parent USA affiliate; and a chapter of the Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health.

The ARC of New Jersey is the state’s largest organization advocating for and serving citizens with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families.  There are different offices in each county (i.e. Camden, Gloucester, Burlington, etc.).